The preservation of the human habitat

Saphium Biotechnology has set itself the goal of maintaining and expanding human living space. By closing nutrient cycles and strengthening soil biology, the ecological, economic and social sustainability of products and processes is improved.

It starts with the ground we stand on. The formation of soils takes centuries or even millennia. Due to unsuitable agricultural practice, the soil was degraded within a few decades and the soil life in it was significantly damaged. With the right know-how, this can be countered in order to revive the human habitat and to preserve it for future generations. That is the goal of organic regenerative agriculture and Saphium Biotechnology.

The Saphium Biotechnology team

Das Team von Saphium Biotechnology

Christof and Kathi Winkler-Hermaden stand for Saphium Biotechnology. Christof is responsible for the management, research and development and Kathi keeps his back free with her work in the office and logistics. The small team is just about to grow ..

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